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Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm


The book return, located in the alley adjacent to the library, allows books and media to be returned during hours when the library itself is closed.



Adopted 4/18/1988,

Revised 6/18/1990, 8/17/1998

Reviewed 12/16/2002

Revised 4/19/2004, 9/19/2005, 5/21/2007

Revised 5/20/2008, 1/16/2012

Revised 1/24/2024





Keokuk Public Library materials are loaned as follows:


  • Books and Magazines – 21 days

  • New Books, Audiobooks, and Downloadable E-Books and e-Audio Books – 14 days

  • Music CDs, Cake Pans, Games and Hot Spots – 7 days

  • Fiction DVDs – 3 days

  • Non-fiction DVDs, and DVD sets (3 discs or more) – 7 days

  • Special Loans – 1 day

  • Genealogy, Local History, and Reference – in-library use


Renewal: Material (not including 1-day loans) can be checked out for two additional loan periods if there are no requests by other patrons for that item.  Items may be renewed by telephone if they are not overdue and if the account is in good standing.  Patrons must bring in overdue materials before these items can be renewed.  Patrons with expired accounts must get their accounts up to date before items can be renewed.  Patrons with active accounts and excessive fees must get those fees under the $10 limit before items can be renewed.


Inter-library loan


The Keokuk Public Library participates on a reciprocal basis with the state interlibrary loan system.  Material loaned follows the circulation policies set out above.  When receiving interlibrary loan material, we follow the circulation policies of the lending library.  The library reserves the right to refuse interlibrary loan service to patrons who abuse this privilege.


Before borrowing material from another library, the patron must clear all fees from the existing record.  The Keokuk Public Library accepts the responsibility for borrowing items and returning them promptly and undertakes to assure that the patron has an unencumbered record with the local public library.


There is a limit of 5 (five) inter-library loan items at one time for any patron.


Lost/Damaged Items: When library materials are lost or damaged the person on whose library card the items were checked out is held responsible. If the charges are not paid the amount due is added to the patron’s record.  The card may not be renewed until all fees are paid (see “Fee Schedule”).


Overdue Items: Patrons with overdue items are not allowed to take out additional material until items are returned.  Exceptions to this policy can be made only by supervisory personnel.


The Keokuk Public Library strives to recover library materials without alienating library patrons. Although we try to provide polite notice, materials overdue more than sixty 60 days shall be billed for pursuant to section 714.5 of the Code of Iowa. Bills for the replacement cost, plus associated fees, will be mailed to the patrons’ address on file. Materials or equipment kept for more than two months constitute a prima facia case of theft and criminal charges may be filed. The Keokuk Public Library reserves the right to use any lawful method to collect unpaid fees or bills and may refuse to check out materials until such bills or fees are paid. 


Genealogy, Local History, and Other Fragile Materials


The library contains certain specialized and fragile materials to which access is limited, especially items in the genealogy and local history section.  This material is limited to in-library use only and some items are housed in areas of the library that are not open to the public.  Library personnel, at a patron’s request, will bring this material to the front desk.  These non-circulating items can then be viewed in the genealogy and local history section near the front desk, in view of the library staff, but must be returned to library staff before closing.


Photocopies of these materials can be made within the limits imposed by copyright law.  The library reserves the right to prohibit the photocopying of any materials judged too fragile for this process.


When microfilm or digital copies of specialized material are available, it is the policy of the library to encourage use of this format rather than use of the original material.



Adopted 4/18/1988, 6/19/1989                       

Revised 3/18/1996, 12/16/1996, 12/20/1999

Revised 5/20/2002, 1/16/2006, 10/16/2006, 8/18/2008, 10/19/2009

Revised 8/15/2011, 10/17/2016, 6/18/2018

Revised 7/17/2023



Copies/Prints (letter/legal/ledger):                     

Black and white: $0.15 per side

Color: $0.25 per side

Ear Buds: $1.00

Lamination: $.50 per 12 inches

Library Card Replacement: $2.00



Scanners are located at the public computers and in the genealogy area.  Staff members will give instructions as time allows.  There is no cost to do your own scanning. 



Library staff will provide copies of obituaries upon request for a fee of $4.00 per obituary.

Other genealogy and local history-related research will be provided for $10.00 per hour if staff is available and on their schedule.



Our library does not charge fines for overdue materials.


However, items that are six months overdue are designated as lost. Patrons are informed of this designation through a mailed statement to the address on hand. The replacement cost is charged for lost items, plus a $5.00 processing fee.


Items that are determined to be returned in a damaged condition will be assessed a fee as deemed by the library director or the Information Services clerk.


Library cards may not be renewed until all fees are paid.


Adopted 3/21/1988

Revised 6/19/1989, 12/12/1989, 12/21/1998, 12/20/1999

Revised 1/17/2000, 5/20/2002, 1/16/2006, 2/27/2006, 10/16/2006

Revised 7/16/2007, 6/16/2008, 10/19/2009, 2/28/2011

Revised 10/15/2012, 5/21/2013, 10/17/2016, 6/18/2018

Revised 1/15/2024



A library card is required in order to borrow any item from the Keokuk Public Library.  Free cards are issued to residents of Keokuk and rural Lee County. 


Adult cards are issued upon receipt of a completed application form.  A reference with a different phone number should be given.  Current identification, or identification with proof of residence, must also be shown.


Children’s cards are issued when a child reaches the age of 6 and can print both first and last name.  The application must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.  Parent must also show current identification, or identification with proof of residence.  Iowa Code § 613.16 “Parental responsibility for actions of children” says that legal guardians are responsible for fees incurred by children under the age of 18.


Children’s cards are issued without a parent signature to secondary school children, ages 11 to 17.  In accordance with ALA’s Bill of Rights, a person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.  Older children should bring a school ID and the information necessary to fill out an application form, including the contact information of a legal guardian.


Non-residents may purchase a card for $50 per year, or $30 for 6 months.  Non-residents owning property in Keokuk are issued cards without charge when presenting a property tax receipt.  All other requirements for obtaining a library card must also be met.


Temporary cards are issued to those residing at a temporary Keokuk address (half-way houses, shelter homes, residential treatment facilities, and hotels/motels).  Temporary borrowers are limited to two items at a time. An address check is required every 90 days.


Local Businesses and Organizations may receive a library card.  Application must be made by a responsible individual, and identification of this individual is required. Use of these cards entails acceptance of the same responsibilities as any other library card.


Keokuk School Students and Staff (SCC, Keokuk Catholic School, Keokuk Christian Academy, Keokuk public schools) may receive a library card.  Students and Teachers must show school ID.  Students under the age of 11 will need a parent/legal guardian to show ID and co-sign their application.


Reciprocal Lending: Keokuk Public Library is an Open Access Library.  Borrower’s cards from all other Iowa Open Access libraries are honored for Iowa residents.


Responsibilities of Borrowers: When prospective borrowers apply for the right to use the library, they accept certain responsibilities as library users.  They agree to abide by the rules of the library and to pay any fees or damages charged to them.  They also agree to take care of all materials borrowed and to give the library notice of any change of contact information.


Account Permissions:

Borrowers 18 and up may grant one responsible, designated adult permission to:


  • Check out items reserved by the borrower on the borrower’s behalf.

  • Check out other items on the borrower’s account.

  • Access information about items checked out on the account, such as titles and due dates.

  • Access information about the borrower’s fines and fees


The account holder is responsible for all items checked out on his or her account and any associated fines or fees.  This permission may be removed at any time by the account holder by contacting the library.


Adopted 3/21/1988

Revised 6/19/1989, 12/18/1989

Revised 6/18/1990, 12/20/1999

Reviewed 12/16/2002, 1/16/2006

Revised 10/16/2006, 3/21/2011

Revised 6/15/2015, 10/19/2015

Revised 11/20/2017, 3/26/2018

Revised 1/15/2024



Section A. References

The confidentiality policy of the Keokuk Public Library is based on the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, the Iowa Code, and professional ethics.


Section B. Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality is essential to protect the exercise of First and Fourth Amendment rights.  In accordance with the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, the Iowa Code, and professional ethics, the Keokuk Public Library Board of Trustees respects the privacy of users and recognizes its responsibility to protect their privacy.


  1. The library will not reveal the identities of individual users nor reveal the information sources or services they consult unless required by law.  Confidentiality extends to information sought or received and materials consulted, borrowed, or acquired.  Confidentiality includes database search records, reference interviews, interlibrary loan records, computer use records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities, or services.

  2. The library will hold confidential the names of card holders and their registration information and not provide access for private, public, or commercial use.

  3. The lawful custodian of the records is the Director of the Library.

  4. The library will not release registration, circulation or other records protected under the Iowa Code unless it is required by law to release the information.  Circumstances which may require the library to release the information include the following:

    1. A criminal or juvenile justice agency is seeking the information in pursuant to an investigation of a particular person or organization suspected of committing a known crime AND the criminal or juvenile justice agency presents the library Director with a court order demonstrating that there has been a judicial determination that a rational connection exists between the requested release of information and a legitimate end and that the need for the information is cogent and compelling.

    2. The library receives a Warrant for the information issued under the USA Patriot Act (which includes amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act).

    3. The library receives a National Security Letter seeking information pursuant to the USA Patriot Act.

    4. The library receives a valid court order requiring the library to release registration, circulation or other records protected under the Iowa Code and the information is not sought in conjunction with a criminal or juvenile justice investigation.


Section C. Procedures for enforcing the policy on confidentiality of library records.

  1. The library staff member receiving a request to examine or obtain information relating to registration records or circulation records or other records identifying the names of library users, shall immediately refer the requestor to the Director, the official custodian of the records.

(To prevent any misunderstanding, the staff member should avoid discussing with the person making the request what user information may or may not be available, or what the library can or cannot do.)

If the library Director is not available (such as during evenings or weekends or away on business) inform the requestor when the Director will be available.  If pressed to act sooner, contact the Director immediately whether the Director is away on business or at home.  In the event the Director cannot be reached, the highest ranking person on duty is responsible for working with the requestor.

  1. The library Director shall meet with the requestor of the information.  If the requestor is a law enforcement officer the officer must have a court order, a warrant issued under the USA Patriot Act, or a National Security Letter (NSL) issued under the USA Patriot Act to receive the requested records.  If the officer does not have a proper court order, warrant, or NSL compelling the production of records, the library Director shall refuse to provide the information.  The library Director may explain the confidentiality policy and the state’s confidentiality law and inform the agent or officer that users’ records are not available except when a proper court order in good form has been presented to the library.

  2. If the records requested cover registration, circulation or other records protected under the Iowa Code, and the Director is uncertain about whether the order, or subpoena presented to the library Director is sufficient to require release of the records, the library Director may immediately consult with legal counsel to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is sufficient to require release of the records.

  3. If any written request, process, order, or subpoena is not in proper form or does not otherwise appear to be sufficient to support releasing the records, the library Director shall insist that such defects be cured before any records are released.

  4. If the library Director or the Director in consultation with library’s attorney determine that the order, warrant, or NSL, is sufficient and compels the release of the records, the library Director shall release the records.

  5. If the request is made pursuant to the USA Patriot Act, the library Director is authorized to obtain legal counsel regarding the request.  As required by the USA Patriot Act, the library Director may not discuss the request with anyone other than legal counsel.

  6. If the requestor is not a law enforcement officer and has not presented any type of court or administrative order requiring release of the requested information, the library Director shall refuse to provide the requested records.  The library Director may explain the confidentiality policy and the state’s confidentiality law.

  7. The library Director is authorized to take legal action (such as moving to quash a subpoena) to resist releasing requested registration, circulation or other records protected under the Iowa Code if the library Director and the library’s legal counsel deems such action to be appropriate.

  8. Any threats or unauthorized demands (i.e. those not supported by a written request, process, order, or subpoena) concerning circulation and other records identifying the names of library users shall be reported to the Director.

  9. Any problems relating to the privacy of circulation and other records identifying the names of library users which are not provided for above should be referred to the Director.


Section D. Parental rights to minor child’s records.

A minor child has the same rights to confidentiality as adults except for fine and fee amounts.


Section E. Procedure for enforcing policy on confidentiality of minor’s records.

  1. Fine and fee amounts can be given to a parent/legal guardian upon request.

  2. Due dates and the number of overdue items can be given to parents/legal guardians upon request.

  3. If a parent/legal guardian asks for more information, such as the titles of items borrowed, the staff member should state that those records are confidential and can only be given to the account holder.  He/she should be referred to the library director for more information.



Adopted 4/18/1988

Revised 12/20/1999

Reviewed 12/16/2002

Reviewed 1/16/2006

Revised 12/17/2007

Reviewed 12/19/2011

Revised 4/16/2018

Reviewed 1/15/2024



Emergency Numbers: Off-site services to be called in the event of an emergency.


  • Fire Department – 524-5225 (or dial 911 for emergency)

  • Medical, First Responders – dial 911

  • Police Department – 524-2742 (or dial 911 for emergency)

  • Sheriff Department – 524-1414

  • Keokuk City Offices – 524-2050

  • Utilities, Alliant Energy (electric) – 800-255-4268

  • Utilities, Liberty Utilities (gas) – 866-322-8667

  • Security System, Tyco SimplexGrinnell – 800-747-8787 (after hours: 800-747-9191)

  • Library Director, Monica Winkler – 795-8024


Emergency Procedures

An emergency kit containing water, bandages, flashlights, and batteries is available in the lower-level staff area.

All staff should know the location of all shutoffs, breakers, fire extinguishers, alarms, and exits.



In case of a medical emergency, dial 911.



A tornado WATCH is declared when conditions are favorable for tornadoes, but none have been sighted.

A tornado WARNING is declared when a tornado has been sighted in the area. The city’s tornado siren will be activated. 

When the warning siren sounds:

  1. A staff member in charge will announce to patrons, “The storm siren is sounding.  There is a (tornado warning/tornado watch/storm warning) in effect.  Everyone – please move down to the lower-level until the all clear signal is received.”

  2. Everyone is required to go to the lower-level and wait for the all clear signal.



Upon discovery of a fire, sound the alarm by pulling the nearest fire alarm and dial 911.


If the fire alarm has already been pulled, the staff member in charge must check all areas of the building for signs of a fire.  If there is any doubt, call 911.  If there is no sign of fire, follow the posted procedures to turn off the false alarm.


If a fire is in its early stages, such as a trash can or a small pile of paper, use the nearest fire extinguisher.

  1. A staff member in charge will announce to patrons, “This is an emergency.  Please use the nearest exit to evacuate the building and make your way to the adjacent lot across the alley for safety.”

  2. If possible, the staff member in charge should try to close the door to the burning area to confine the fire and minimize the spread of smoke.

  3. The staff member in charge should make an effort to see that everyone leaves, directing staff and patrons to exit the building as quickly as possible.  Gather staff and patrons in the adjacent lot.  Do not return to the building for any reason until approval is given by the Fire Department.  Children under 14 must remain until all clear is given, or a responsible person (14 or over) comes to claim him or her.


Fire extinguishers are checked every year by a fire service company, serviced every three years, and completely changed out every ten years.


This policy will be reviewed and discussed annually with the staff.


Adopted 5/16/1988

Revised 8/19/2002

Reviewed 1/16/2006

Revised 11/21/2011

Revised 11/20/2017

Reviewed 1/15/2024



The library director will make the decision to close the library in the event of an emergency. Emergency situations include: insufficient staffing, dangerous weather conditions, loss of power, bomb threat, fire, and other factors that might pose a serious health or safety risk to staff or patrons. Any such adjustment of scheduled hours will be based on a concern for the welfare of the staff and patrons and must be reported to the Board of Trustees at the next meeting.


​Staff members will be paid for their shift if they had been previously scheduled during the time that the library is closed due to weather or emergency.  The Director will make sure that staff are notified.  If the library should close, the staff will make a reasonable effort to notify the public by posting signs on all library entrances, contacting individuals and organizations that have reserved a meeting room (using one of the methods of contact listed on the room reservation application), and contacting the public through media outlets such as television, radio, and newspapers.


Adopted 3/16/2020

Reviewed 1/15/2024

Circulation Policies
Fee Shedue
Borrowing Privileges
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Closures
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