If you would like to borrow an item that is not on our shelves, you can submit an Inter-Library Loan request and we will borrow it from another library!
It may take 1-2 weeks to receive.
For new items (less than 6 months old), please fill out the purchase request form.
The item requested must be 6 months old or older.
You must be a Keokuk resident, a rural Lee County resident, or have purchased a Keokuk Public Library card. (If not, you must ask for this service at your hometown library.)
You must have no fines, fees, or overdue items.
Items check out according to the rules of the lending library. If notified, we will request a renewal on your behalf, but we must follow the lending library's decision.
Fines and fees are the same as all items -- please see our "Borrowing Privileges" policy and "Fee Schedule."
Fill out the form below to submit an ILL Request to library staff.

Most items can be found right here in Iowa.
Check out the
SILO Locator!
Request an Inter-Library Loan (ILL)