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The purposes of the library’s bulletin board, and pamphlet racks are:


  • To call attention to local activities, events, and official notices; and

  • To dispense free information about local activities and nonprofit organizations.


The library may accept material from nonprofit organizations, including churches, schools, and city and county governments.


The library will not accept business or personal advertising (products, apartments for rent, etc.).  The library will not accept containers for collections.


Posters, notices, and material for distribution must be submitted to the director for approval.


Posters announcing a series of events or ongoing meetings will be posted as space allows. These items will not be posted for more than thirty days, and, if space is limited, may not remain posted throughout the duration of the events or meetings.


Due to space constraints, posters may be limited because of the size of the poster or the proximity of the event to Keokuk.  Priority is given to events held in Lee County.


The library will not be responsible for monitoring the continued display of any poster.  Because of space limitations, the library cannot guarantee that all eligible posters will be displayed. 


Posting of notices and distribution of material does not imply endorsement by the library.



Adopted 4/18/1988

Revised 2/28/2000

Revised 10/17/2011

Revised 10/19/2015

Revised 3/18/2024



The purpose of the digital sign is to promote and market library services, programs, events, and resources.

Content is limited to library services and resources, and library sponsored and co-sponsored events.  Exceptions can be made by the library Director or the Director’s appointee.



Adopted 12/17/2012

Reviewed 3/18/2024



The library gratefully accepts gifts and donations.  In instances where stipulations are attached to gifts, the library reserves the right to refuse the gift if the stipulations are unacceptable.


The Keokuk Public Library Foundation is the preferred recipient for substantial gifts of money, property or stock.


Donated materials must be in excellent condition and meet specific criteria to be accepted by the library.  Potential donations must be delivered to the circulation desk inside the library in a limited quantity as follows: two standard paper grocery bags, or two copy paper size boxes.


Keokuk Public Library reserves the right to check all donations prior to acceptance for compatibility with the existing collection development policy.  If accepted, materials may be added to the library’s collection, placed in the book sale, or offered to other local agencies.


Items unacceptable for donation:

  • Encyclopedias and textbooks

  • Items containing outdated information.

  • Items in poor or non-working order, i.e. broken spine, moldy, scratched, water damaged, mildewed, missing or yellowed pages, etc.


The library reserves the right to reject any donation outright.


When a receipt is requested at the time of the donation, the library will issue a written statement providing the date and description of the gift.  The library will not attempt to appraise or assign a valuation to any donated item.


Adopted 5/16/1988

Revised 2/28/2000

Revised 1/30/2002

Revised 10/17/2011

Revised 11/20/2017

Revised 3/18/2024




The Keokuk Community Calendar is an interactive, web-based program that enables the community to post, view, and search for events of broad interest to the community.  The calendar is a tool for the public to advertise and promote community events and activities.  It is specifically designed to house information about special events and public meetings.



Calendar Postings are designed to announce one-time or special events for programs.  Recurring programs may be considered for submission with approval from the library director.


The Community Calendar may be used to promote:

Educational, social, cultural, or recreational events in Keokuk open to the general public and sponsored by non-profit civic, social, charitable, fraternal, or educational organizations that are based in Lee County.


The Community Calendar may not be used to promote commercial events.



Postings will be limited to those abiding by the following guidelines:


Events must have a beginning and end date.  Examples of acceptable events include festivals, school performances and sporting events, community and professional performances, community events, and fundraisers.


All events must be open to the general public, not just to organization members.


No posting may include or advocate illegal actions or activities. Posts that include such advocacy will be immediately rejected or removed.


The online submission form must be filled out entirely, including event description and contact information.  Forms with blank entry fields or no description will not be processed and, therefore, not posted.


Entries shall be submitted no less than 14 days prior to the date to ensure posting to the Community Calendar.  Event submissions will not be accepted more than 8 months in advance of the event.


Calendar Review and Publishing

All submitted events are sent to the Calendar Staff for approval before they are published on the online calendar.


Submitted events will be posted within about 5 business days.

Calendar Staff and the Keokuk Public Library reserve the right to limit the number of postings from any one organization, to reject any posting, and to make exceptions to calendar guidelines.    Calendar Staff reserve the right to edit event information for length, spelling, language, and clarity.


Calendar Style


In submitting events to the Calendar, please follow these simple guidelines to ensure sufficient detail and consistency of style throughout the site:


  • Event Title: Use initial caps and lower case throughout.

  • Location: Include the address, building name, and room number (if applicable).

  • Time: List the specific time of the event.

  • Event Contact: Include a contact person’s name, phone number, and email address.

  • Website: Only use this if there is a website that has been specifically created for the event, or if the site has more information about the event than you can include in the listing.

  • Description: Try to keep the information in this box to 2-5 sentences.

  • Fees: If there is a fee involved, that must be included.

  • Images and Attachments: Images are encouraged, and may be edited or supplied by library staff, especially if one is not provided.  Supporting documents (including audio and video) may also be submitted.  Images and attachments will be uploaded if they are in a format compatible with the calendar software and do not otherwise violate any library policy.

Although the calendar is moderated for posting acceptable events, the Keokuk Public Library does not endorse or verify the information included.  The library does not control or review the content or operation of the websites referenced in event postings.  The library does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, appropriateness or security of the link, website, or content linked thereto.  The library urges you to exercise caution when accessing any unfamiliar website.  The library cannot be held responsible for incorrect or incomplete calendar information, regardless of origin, or for any negative consequences arising from any reliance on such incorrect or incomplete information.



Adopted 5/16/2016

Revised on 10/17/2016

Revised 3/18/2024

Digital Sign
Bulletin Policy
Gifts and Donations
Community Calendar
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