Personnel Policies
Holidays · Vacations · Leave of Absence · Sick Leave · Maternity Leave · Personal Leave · Funerals · Medical and Life Insurance · Residency of City Employees · Longevity Pay · Vacancies · Recruitment · Selection · Probationary Period · Evaluation · Retirement · Resignation · Dismissal · Grievance
Regularly recognized holidays shall be as follows:
New Year’s Eve (1/2 day)
New Year’s Day
President’s Day
Good Friday (1/2 day)
Memorial Day (as observed)
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
Library hours on ½ days are from 9 AM – Noon.
Holidays falling on Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday.
Holidays falling on Saturday shall be observed on Saturday and the previous Friday, without additional holiday pay for Saturday.
In the event a holiday falls within an employee’s vacation period, they shall be granted an additional day off with pay at the employee’s option either in conjunction with this or any other vacation period.
BIRTHDAY: In addition to the Holidays provided above, the employee shall be given his/her birthday as an additional day off with pay. If the birthday falls on a scheduled day off or on a Holiday, they shall be granted the next immediately succeeding day as said day off.
Vacation requests should be made in advance through the online scheduling program, When 2 Work. The director will approve or deny the requested time off and you will be notified through the program. Denial may occur if the time off requested will result in a shortage of staff.
Vacation time may be taken by the week, day, half-day, or hours, with a minimum charge of one (1) hour.
Vacation time may not be taken within an employee’s first year of employment.
Employees shall accumulate vacation leave as follows:
Beginning rate: 1.54 hours per pay period (Maximum 60 hours)
1st Anniversary: 3.08 hours per pay period (Maximum 120 hours)
4th Anniversary: 4.62 hours per pay period (Maximum 180 hours)
10th Anniversary: 6.16 hours per pay period (Maximum 240 hours)
17th Anniversary: 7.70 hours per pay period (Maximum 300 hours)
25th Anniversary: 9.24 hours per pay period (Maximum 360 hours)
When an employee takes vacation hours, the hours shall be subtracted from the accumulated earned vacation time. No employee may accumulate vacation hours in excess of thirty-nine (39) times the employee’s accrual rate, as listed above.
The vacation accrual rates will result in accumulation of vacation to provide the following:
1.54 accrual rate earns 40.04 hours vacation per year
3.08 accrual rate earns 80.08 hours vacation per year
4.62 accrual rate earns 120.12 hours vacation per year
6.16 accrual rate earns 160.16 hours vacation per year
7.70 accrual rate earns 200.20 hours vacation per year
9.24 accrual rate earns 240.24 hours vacation per year
Upon resignation from the library, an employee will be paid for all vacation time accrued unless the following applies:
--An employee fails to give at least ten (10) working days’ notice in advance of his/her resignation.
--An employee is involuntarily terminated from employment.
3. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: An employee desiring a leave of absence from his employment shall submit a written request for permission to take a leave of absence to his/her employer. Leaves of absence, with or without pay, may be granted per the Family Medical Leave Act Resolution, at the discretion of the library board upon the recommendation of the director.
4. SICK LEAVE: Employees shall accumulate sick leave at the rate of 4 hours per pay period. An employee may accumulate a maximum of one thousand four-hundred forty (1,440) hours or one hundred eighty days (180 days) sick leave.
New employees shall be advanced six (6) days (48 hours) sick leave upon employment and shall not earn or accumulate additional sick leave until they have been employed for six (6) months. After six (6) months of employment, they shall begin accruing at the normal rate of 4 hours per pay period.
If death should occur while employed, pay out of unused sick leave up to a maximum of ninety (90) days or seven hundred twenty hours (720) shall be made to the surviving spouse and/or dependents living at home. If death should occur while an employee is on duty, then 100% of unused sick leave will be paid to the surviving spouse and/or dependent living at home.
All non-union employees shall, upon regular retirement (IPERS rule currently in effect), be entitled to 100% of unused sick leave as severance pay, up to a maximum of ninety (90) days or seven-hundred twenty (720) hours or they may elect to use his/her accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of one hundred eighty (180) days or one thousand four hundred forty (1,440) hours to purchase health insurance from the City. If election is made to use accumulated sick leave to purchase health insurance, the value of the sick leave will be calculated by dividing the employee’s average compensation by the number of hours worked in a year (1,950) to calculate an hourly rate, then multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours accrued to the employees’ credit. This amount would be placed in an employee escrow account to be diminished each month by the amount of the insurance payment and shall not accrue any interest on the escrow account. The option selected must be exercised immediately at the time of retirement without the option for change afterward. If an employee is discharged by the City of Keokuk for misconduct, this benefit does not apply.
Employees must promptly notify their superior of the inability to work their scheduled work period. Penalties for intentional misuse of sick leave will be imposed at the discretion of the director. The director can request a physician’s statement as proof of illness of any employee that appears to be abusing the sick leave policy.
Employees may trade three (3) sick days for one (1) vacation day with a maximum of seven (7) vacation days per year.
5. MATERNITY LEAVE: in accordance with FMLA, any pregnant employee is entitled to time off for prenatal and postnatal care. Employees may take up to twelve (12) weeks of leave under the FMLA act. The employee shall use any accrued leave while on maternity leave, If no leave or insufficient leave has been accrued by the employee, the employee can continue on maternity leave with no pay. Maternity leave will be granted under the same conditions above when an employee adopts a child.
6. PERSONAL LEAVE: Each employee will be granted four (4) personal leave days with pay per fiscal year (July – June). These personal leave days shall be in addition to any other days off. An employee must request personal leave the same as a vacation day. An employee taking a personal leave day shall receive one day’s pay at his/her regular rate for each personal leave day taken. If a request for personal leave reduces the number of employees in the library to levels below minimum manning requirements, personal leave on the day requested may be refused. If multiple requests are received for time off, the employee with seniority will be given preference.
A new employee hired between July and September will be granted 4 days personal leave; if hired between October and December he/she will be granted 3 personal days; if hired between January and March he/she will be granted 2 personal days; and if hired between April and June he/she will be granted 1 personal day to be taken before the end of the fiscal year. Personal leave shall not be carried over beyond the end of the fiscal year ending June 30th of each year. Any personal leave remaining unused upon leaving employment for any reason will not be paid out.
7. FUNERALS: Employees will be allowed three (3) days off work with pay as bereavement leave in the case of a death in their immediate family. Pay for such leave shall be at the employee’s straight time hourly rate for a total of twenty-two and a half (22.50) hours. The immediate family shall include spouse, father, mother, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, foster child, sister, sister-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, stepparents, stepchildren, step-brother or sister, grandparents, grandchildren, and other corresponding relatives of the employee and spouse or other relatives residing in the employee’s immediate household. Employees will be allowed one (1) day off work with pay as mentioned above as bereavement leave for any relative of the employee not mentioned above.
It is further agreed that an employee shall be allowed without loss of pay two (2) hours off work to attend the funeral of another employee. Employees taking time off to serve as pallbearers shall be allowed up to four (4) hours off work without loss of pay.
8. MEDICAL AND LIFE INSURANCE: The city will contribute 100% of the total premium toward the cost of a single medical plan for an employee. The city will contribute 90% of the total premium toward a family medical plan with the balance to be paid by the employee. Term life insurance is provided to each employee in the amount of $20,000 by the city at no cost to the employee. Additional coverage and spousal coverage are offered at the employee’s expense during an open enrollment period each year.
9. RESIDENCY OF CITY EMPLOYEES: All employees employed by the City of Keokuk must reside within the State of Iowa within sixty (60) days of his/her first day of work and must remain a resident of Iowa throughout the period of his/her employment with the City of Keokuk. In addition, all City employees shall reside within ten (10) miles of the corporate limits of the City of Keokuk. Exceptions may be made with Council approval.
HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT: Full time employment at the library consists of a 37½ hour workweek. Overtime will be compensated with 1 hour time off for each hour worked over 37½ hours in a workweek. Compensatory time must be used within the week.
10. LONGEVITY PAY: All non-union employees shall be paid as longevity pay the semi-monthly sum indicated below:
After five (5) years of service: $ 240.00 annually ($9.25 semi-monthly)
After ten (10) years of service: $ 480.00 annually ($18.45 semi-monthly)
After fifteen (15) years of service: $ 720.00 annually ($27.70 semi-monthly)
After twenty (20) years of service: $ 960.00 annually ($36.95 semi-monthly)
After twenty-five (25) years of service: $1,200.00 annually ($46.15 semi-monthly)
After thirty (30) years of service: $1,440.00 annually ($55.40 semi-monthly)
Longevity shall be determined upon the anniversary of each employee’s employment. An employee attaining an anniversary requiring an adjustment of longevity pay will receive the adjustment on their anniversary date.
11. VACANCIES: The employment practices of the Keokuk Public Library are to recruit and hire employees without discrimination because of race, creed, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or sexual orientation. All employees are to be treated equally with respect to compensation and opportunities for advancement.
12. RECRUITMENT: Iowa Workforce Development will be notified of all job vacancies. All vacancies will be published in the local newspaper, except those of a technical nature which may be published in other newspapers or magazines, and/or hired through temporary job placement agencies.
The library makes an effort to fill vacant or new positions from the current staff, following a policy of encouraging professional growth for the staff.
13. SELECTION: Selection of staff members is based solely on qualifications. Appointment of members of the immediate families of Trustees or administrative staff is discouraged.
All applicants are expected to supply the information requested on the application forms. Personal interviews are required for all potential hires and are an important element of the selection process.
All hiring decisions are made by the Director.
14. PROBATIONARY PERIOD: Each new employee is considered on probation for the first 6 months of employment. The library director may terminate the employee during the probationary period without advance notice or right of appeal.
During the probationary period, a preliminary evaluation is made by the supervisor at the end of the 3rd month. The rules for probationary periods apply to employees who have been reassigned. Employees in the probationary period earn benefits at the same rate as permanent employees.
15. EVALUATION: Evaluation of the director is made yearly by the library board at least one month before the end of the fiscal year. Evaluations of all library staff are made yearly by the director. in the month of the employee’s anniversary date.
16. RETIREMENT: Employees shall, upon regular retirement (IPERS rule currently in effect) be entitled to 100% of unused sick leave pay as severance pay, up to a maximum of 90 days or they may elect to use accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of 180 days to purchase health insurance. If the employee is discharged for misconduct, the benefit does not apply.
17. RESIGNATION: Employees must submit a written notice of resignation to the director if they are planning to discontinue employment. A two week notice is required in such cases, with a one-month notice required for the director.
18. DISMISSAL: Dismissals are made by the director. The advice and counsel of the city attorney may be sought when advisable.
19. GRIEVANCE: The word “grievance” is used to indicate a difference between the library and the employee.
The grievance should be discussed informally between the staff member involved and the director within a week of the occurrence giving rise to the grievance.An oral response by the director should be given within 5 business days of the discussion.
If a grievance is not settled informally, the aggrieved employee may appeal through a written statement to the director.This statement should specify the problem and the desired outcome.After investigation, the director will issue a written decision within 5 business days.
If the grievance is not settled, an appeal may be made to the library board.Written notice of appeal must be submitted to the board president.The written notice should be signed by the employee and contain a specific statement of the situation, and outcome desired.The library board will consider the grievance at the next regular meeting.The aggrieved employee may attend.The decision of the board is considered final.
Adopted 7/18/1988
Revised 11/20/1989,6/18/1990,12/16/1996,12/15/1999, 12/20/1999
Reviewed 12/16/2002, 9/20/2004, 1/16/2006, 2/26/2007
Revised 6/20/2011, 4/17/2012,11/20/2017, 11/16/2020
Reviewed 7/17/2023
Staff members have a special responsibility to:
Maintain the principles of the ALA Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements.
Understand and carry out the established policies and procedures of the Keokuk Public Library and to express in a positive manner, directed toward appropriate channels, any concern with or objection to policies, philosophies, or programs.
Protect the confidential relationship that exists between a library user and the library.
Maintain an objective and open attitude of understanding, courtesy, and concern for the patrons’ needs.
Serve all patrons equally according to their needs.
Make the resources and services of the library known and easily accessible to current and potential users.
Be aware of the obligations of employment and of what constitutes abuse of working conditions and benefits.
Acknowledge the importance of the work done by all staff and maintain a sense of loyalty to, and cooperation with, other staff members.
Carry out assignments so that other staff members need not assume added responsibilities, except in times of emergency.
Share knowledge and expertise with others.
Represent the library in the community and elsewhere and promote library services when appropriate.
Staff Dress Code
Library employees need to be able to work comfortably in the workplace but project a professional image for library users. Business casual dress with a clean and neat appearance is the standard for this dress code.
Unacceptable articles of clothing for staff include, but are not limited to: blue jeans, sweat pants, miniskirts, shorts, uncovered spaghetti straps, slippers, and any clothing that has words, terms, or pictures that may be offensive to other employees or library users. Undergarments should be covered at all times. No visible facial tattoos or piercings.
At the Director’s discretion, employees may be allowed to deviate from the dress code in a manner that is appropriate, time-limited, and available to all employees according to the same conditions.
Due to the nature of the work, student pages may wear jeans and T-shirts throughout the week, provided that they do not detract from a professional image. Clothing that violates the dress code of Keokuk High School is not allowed.
Friday and Saturday will be considered dress down days. On these days jeans are allowed, although never clothing potentially offensive to others.
Please remember that some people are allergic to the chemicals in perfumes, so wear with restraint.
Name tags will be worn by staff members during work hours. If a replacement name tag is needed, please contact the Director. The employee may be charged for the replacement cost.
Any questions about the dress code should be directed to the director. If clothing fails to meet these standards, the employee will be asked not to wear the inappropriate item to work again and may be asked to comply with dress code requirements immediately. If the problem persists, progressive disciplinary action will be applied if dress code violations continue.
Adopted 2/12/1989
Revised 6/19/1989
Revised 6/18/1990
Revised 2/23/2004
Revised 1/16/2012
Revised 3/18/2024
NOTE: Staff job descriptions and evaluation forms (excluding the Director’s) can be revised by the Director at any time, but can be shared with the board upon request, or when major changes are made, for informational purposes.
The Keokuk Public Library Board recognizes that continuing education of the library staff is vital to effective service to the public and efficient use of tax money. The board encourages the development of each employee to their fullest potential.
The State Library of Iowa supports a voluntary certification program for librarians. All staff members are encouraged to meet the appropriate qualifications for state certification and to update these regularly.
Participation in and successful completion of special training is considered in making advancement and promotions. Employees are encouraged to further their job skills through participation in such programs. Completion of such training will be noted in the employee’s personnel file.
To encourage employee development, the library may reimburse an employee for expenses incurred in obtaining approved training that is related to the employee’s present or future job responsibilities.
Reimbursement will be made as follows:
meal allowance of up to $45 per day with detailed receipts showing meals and drinks purchased. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed. Gratuity paid will count towards the daily meal allowance amount. When meals are included with conference/training sessions, the meal allowance is adjusted to $15 per meal not provided.
any lodging at the conference hotel or one recommended by the conference.
registration fees not previously paid.
A travel expense report with receipts attached must be handed into the director upon return to work.
Upon return to work, the employee should discuss with the director what was gained from the trip and how they will incorporate what they learned into their job.
Leaves of absence without pay for educational purposes may be granted, at the recommendation of the director, by the library board. The leave may not extend more than 3 months.
All employees are required to attend staff meetings as scheduled by the director. Staff may also be required to attend information/education meetings sponsored by the region or state library. Expenses for out of town meetings will be paid by the library. Compensation for time spent in travel to out of town meetings is covered by federal law as follows:
If an employee is given a one day assignment in another city, which does not require an overnight stay, all the time spent traveling between cities is counted as “hours worked.” If the time spent traveling to the other city is counted as hours worked only to the extent that it coincides with the employee’s regular workday.
Membership in the Iowa Library Association will be paid by the library for the director. American Library Association membership may also be paid for the director as the budget allows.
Adopted 2/12/1989
Revised 6/19/1989
Revised 6/18/1990
Revised 2/23/2004
Revised 12/19/2011
Reviewed 2/24/2020
Revised 3/18/2024