The Keokuk Public Library enriches lives by providing resources and technology and creating a safe and comfortable space in which to satisfy curiosity, inspire lifelong learning and celebrate the area’s past, present and future.
Adopted 1/18/1988
Revised 12/20/1999, 12/16/2002
Reviewed 11/17/2005
Revised 6/20/2011, 8/18/2014
Reviewed 1/15/2024
GOALS & OBJECTIVES (Strategic Planning for Results)
Create Young Readers: Early Literacy
Goal 1: Children, birth to age 5, will be exposed to a wide variety of literature and learn to enjoy reading.
Objective #1a: Library staff will create a dedicated page of the library website with links to resources to provide a wider array of reading options. That page will be linked to children’s computers and promoted online by 2022. Staff will look at statistics for how many people have visited this page on Google Analytics and then measure and compare for six months.
Objective #1b: Staff will research options to provide information to our younger patrons off-site to inform them about the library by providing them with story hours, programs, and handouts for them to take home to parents by 2022. Staff will keep track of the number of visits and give the children some token to exchange for a prize at the library on their next visit to gauge impact.
Objective #1c: Library staff will explore outreach possibilities with delivery options to daycares and homeschoolers by the end of 2021. Start a pilot project and gather data on how much it is used; hand out a satisfaction survey.
Goal #2: Parents of children, birth to age 5, will learn the advantages of reading aloud to their children.
Objective #2a: Youth services staff will research literacy tips for parents and caregivers by 2021. Staff will reinforce literacy tips with parents and caregivers during Story Hour and other library programs, verbally and with handouts in 2021.
Objective #2b: Youth services staff will utilize infographics ands share resources on social media to stress the importance of reading aloud to children by 2021.
Celebrate Diversity: Cultural Awareness
Goal #3: Keokuk residents will come to a new appreciation of the diversity of the area and of each other.
Objective #3a: The library will plan 6 new programs celebrating and learning about diverse groups and marginalized populations, implementing 2 each year starting in 2022 with new programming complete by 2024.
Objective #3b: The library will plan new displays about diverse and marginalized groups by 2022.
Goal #4: The Keokuk Community will appreciate the library as a place where there is something for everyone.
Objective #4a: Survey the public to find out what they would like to see the library implement, as far as programs, services, policies, and environment by the first half of 2022. Present that information to the library board by fall of 2022.
Objective #4b: Write PR materials highlighting what the library has to offer for diverse groups by 2022.
Objective #4c:Library staff will plan bilingual story time, partnering with foreign language educators and native speakers of other languages by 2023.
Know Your Community: Community Resources and Services
Goal #5: Community members are made aware of library resources and how to access them.
Objective #5a: Staff will research companies that can help with branding, logo, promotion, etc. Provide information to the library board by fall of 2023.
Objective #5b: Library staff will explore ways to regularly update citizens via radio, newspaper, and other outlets in 2021.
Objective #5c: Staff will find ways to regularly participate in community events in order to inform people about what the library has to offer and encourage library use in 2022.
Goal #6: Potential volunteers find information about community wide volunteer opportunities.
Objective #6a: Explore volunteer websites and lists already available by July 2022. Compile these lists and information for discussion and distribution.
Objective #6b: Establish a volunteer program at the library for a variety of skill sets and groups. Create a list of opportunities for library volunteers and promote by 2023.
Objective #6c: Explore opportunities to use volunteers in library programs and establish a pool of workers on an on-call basis or to assist with larger events that require additional staffing by 2023.
Goal#7: People in need will receive assistance in accessing available community services.
Objective #7a: Research and partner with community organizations, non-profits, and government departments and how they can help those in need by 2023.
Objective #7b: Create and maintain pamphlets and other materials gathered in Objective 7a by July 2023.
Objective #7c: Partner with the school district to provide some type of program/service during the summer lunch distribution in 2022.
Goal #8: Students of all ages make connections at the library.
Objective #8a: Work with nursing homes and/or assisted care facilities for inter-generational story time experiences in 2023.
Objective #8b: Research what type of needs the library can meet for adults in group settings. After research, implement a plan to provide those needs through programming, visits, and book delivery by 2024.
Objective #8c: Review the results of survey from Objective 4a and find ways to connect adults and students by mid-2024.
Goal #9: Adults and young adults find programming for a variety of purposes, including financial literacy, how to avoid scams, using social media, legal, vocational education, and career opportunities.
Objective #9a: Use online, anonymous surveys and focus groups to determine what teens want and need. Find out what they dislike about the library and how we can improve programs, services, policies, and environment by end of 2022.
Objective #9b: Determine what programs and services to offer and what they might look like, based on the survey. Approach library board about suggested changes to policies and implement new programs and services by end of 2022.
Objective #9c: Research practical life skill topics and presenters for a series of programs in 2023.
Adopted 1/1993
Revised 12/20/2000, 3/18/2002, 12/16/2002
Revised 5/21/2007, 1/7/2011
Revised 8/18/2014
Revised 5/17/2021