Keokuk Public Library Foundation Fundraisers
The Adventures of Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass, by Mark Twain
Mark Twain's The Adventures of Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass
In 1928 book editor and Associated Press reporter Charles Honce, originally from Keokuk, published a collection of Samuel Clemens writings in a limited edition of 375 books.
The Keokuk Public Library Foundation has reprinted this book of travel letters, written to the Keokuk Daily Post in 1856 and signed “Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass.”
Five hundred numbered copies were printed on a Model 31 linotype in Denmark, Iowa, and bound by Iowa Book Works.
Marked down to COST from $49.95 to $25.00!
$5.00 shipping & handling
Cash or check only
Stop by the library at 210 N. 5th Street, call 319-524-1483, or email the librarian.
Mail your check (include $5.00 s&h), and we'll mail the book.